Day 161, 2 Corinthians 13
Concluding this third letter, Paul gives a final refutation of the “hyper spiritual” faction in Corinth. Effectively, he says “I’m going to show you that Jesus has given me authority by bringing scriptural discipline against those who will not heed my correction.”
He’s going to demonstrate the firm, loving correction of a true father in the faith, which will contrast starkly with the flashy competition and flattery of the false “apostles.”
This chapter highlights the character and heart of a true spiritual leader: Paul desires that his children be flawless in relationship with Jesus and fully equipped to be strong in God. And this desire is only made stronger by their current rebellion and refusal to submit. He urges them to seek repair for whatever is broken among them, bringing unity that truly knits hearts together.
May this be true for us today as it was for them.
May the gracious favor of your Lord, Jesus Christ, the all-encompassing love of your heavenly Father, and the priceless community that only Holy Spirit can create, be yours continually!
Have a great day!