Day 159, 2 Corinthians 11

2 Corinthians 11

Paul continues to contradict their mischaracterization of him and his ministry.

They say he’s a fool - but the truly crazy ones are the imposters who want them to believe in smooth-talking, prosperity-preaching, super-apostles rather than the all-too-human true apostles who suffer all manner of hardships willingly because they have truly met with the risen Christ.

The more you read this chapter, the clear contrast comes into focus. The gloss, glamor, and focus on title, position and money has nothing to do with the true good news. Instead, it is always right to honor, support, and submit to those with true authority, who are living out the gospel through hardships, motivated by love for Jesus and compassion for His Church.

Are you willing to obediently embrace the call to disciple others, even if they turn on you and disparage you? What if your obedience marks you as a dangerous radical or a crazy fool to be opposed or eliminated? If we are willing to step up and live as Jesus intends, in contrast to the culture around us, there will be a cost. Paul is showing us how to embrace that and please Jesus.

Have a great day!



Day 160, 2 Corinthians 12


Day 158, 2 Corinthians 10