Day 156, 2 Corinthians 8

2 Corinthians 8

Paul unfolds another aspect of true community today. The church families that truly receive God’s grace and embrace spiritual fathering will express care for one another in both material and relational giving.

The church in Macedonia sent a generous and sacrificial gift to the believers in Jerusalem (this may be part of the offering mentioned in Acts 20). The Macedonian church was poor, in contrast to the prosperous Corinthian church, and so Paul is urging them to step up and follow suit.

Titus, and two other well-regarded apostles, are on their way to Corinth, representing Paul, to see to it that the Corinthians are wholehearted in their giving, as well as in their obedience to the Lord.

Truly, our money is a mirror of our hearts!

When I recognize how much God has blessed me, it becomes easy to sacrifice for the sake of others. Conversely, if I am mammon-focused it reveals that my heart has more of God’s grace to discover.

Have a great day!



Day 157, 2 Corinthians 9


Day 155, 2 Corinthians 7