Day 148, 1 Corinthians 16
Paul concludes his letter with instructions for an offering for those in need: it is to be put aside faithfully, week by week, according to ability, and then he will gather it and send it on to the Jerusalem believers.
Then follow multiple greetings and affirmations of Paul’s companions, co-workers and team members. This apostle was called personally and sent by Jesus. This calling was expressed through teamwork, hard labor, and extreme fortitude in suffering. No celebrity preachers here! No elevation of this mighty man of God into superstar status. Simply a father in the faith lovingly leading, correcting and encouraging his spiritual kids. We’ll see those themes develop further in Paul’s next letter.
And at the center of it all: Jesus.
He is our hope, our brother, our savior, our lord, and our friend.
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Our Lord Jesus Has Come!
Have a great day!