Day 146, 1 Corinthians 14

1 Corinthians 14

This is another chapter which has often been twisted by tradition and human interpretation. We will do well to note these dangers in our understanding as we read.

We have seen several times that the Corinthians are super-spiritual, competitive, and in need of correction by Paul. Today’s chapter makes this clearer than ever.

First, it is good to be passionate about spiritual gifts, but it is not good to let that twist into competition. The gifts of God are to build up the Body, not tear it apart.

Second, it is edifying to operate in the gift of tongues, but this gift is only useful for strengthening the Body if it is interpreted. Thus the gift of prophecy is more beneficial in believers’ gatherings. But prophecy must be tested by other, mature prophets, to avoid human error (to which we are all susceptible).

In this culture, where domininating female leadership was celebrated (through the worship of the goddess Artemis), error and imbalance comes to God’s design for the Church. In Christ there is neither male nor female, but in Corinth, the women were interrupting the process of testing prophecies, and usurping the spiritual leadership through their presumed cultural superiority. Paul corrects this. See the Passion translation footnote to verse 35 for more on this.

It is error, contrary to multiple instances in scripture, to use these verses to command that women remain silent in church gatherings. I will write more in my blog later, but in the meantime I recommend Katharine Bushnell’s classic book “God’s Word to Women” (which is essential reading for men too)!

Likewise, it is false control to twist the counsel of verse 40 into a prohibition of anything we don’t understand or can’t direct (such as manifestations of Holy Spirit’s presence).

And in navigating controversy, don’t miss the foundational principles Paul gives us here: let everything be done for building up the Body (v26) and let everything be done honestly, well, and in pleasing order. This faithfully reflects God’s heart, and contrasts starkly with the activity in Corinth (and, sadly, the actions of plenty of people in todays churches).

Have a great day!



Day 147, 1 Corinthians 15


Day 145, 1 Corinthians 13