Day 98, Acts1
We have read much about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus: the life that changed everything. Now we turn to the first thirty or so years of history that followed the resurrection. We will see how the coming of the Holy Spirit transforms everything, how opposition and persecution bring growth to the family of God, and learn about some of the journeys the apostles took in obedience to Jesus’ instructions.
Our guide for the next few weeks is Dr. Luke. This book is the second of his carefully researched history.
First, we remember how Jesus spent forty days after His resurrection appearing many times to His disciples and proving He was alive. There is no doubt the resurrection was real. He also taught them the truths of God’s Kingdom. By the end of these 40 days, they are back in Jerusalem and Jesus tells them to wait there for the gift the Father has promised: immersion in the Holy Spirit. They are delighted He is resurrected, but we see they still don’t fully understand. The question “is it time for you to free Israel?” shows us they expect Jesus to overthrow the Romans and become a human king. But Jesus has a bigger plan than they can understand: for an empowered army of messengers to spread His presence and life throughout the world.
As soon as He tells them this, He ascends into the sky and disappears! Two angels are sent to tell them not to stand there staring into the sky – Jesus will return in the same way: from the clouds, unexpectedly.
They return to the upstairs room where they can gather safely, and Luke records there were 120 of them altogether.
Peter is already emerging as the leader of this group. Now that it is clear that Jesus is gone, Peter first references the loss of one of the Twelve Jesus chose, and then quotes Psalm 109:8 to direct the replacement of Judas with another. There are two among them who qualify as witnesses of all that Jesus did, as well as experiencing the reality of the resurrection: Joseph Barsabbas and Matthias. After casting lots, Matthias is added to the Twelve.
We each have a story about how we were added to Jesus’ family. Why not jot down yours today, and then share it with someone new?
Have a great day!