Day 85, John 15
Another chapter of Jesus’ final teachings from John (the disciple Jesus loved). It is hard to imagine the power of these words when they are familiar (which is the case for most of us who have been believers for some time). That is why I love the fresh treatment Brian Simmons has given them in the Passion translation.
We are privileged beyond imagination to be included in the loving community of the godhead through the self-emptying generosity of Jesus.
This is the very opposite of the values and priorities of our fallen world, so we will experience opposition, injustice and persecution.
God lives in us and speaks truth to us, so we will bear true testimony to Him. We shine brightly, even as our world becomes darker.
Enjoy reading this chapter in the Passion translation today, and let the freshness of God’s eternal love wash away all conventionality from this beautiful interaction between Jesus and His friends (including you).
Have a great day!