Day 235, 1 John 4

1 John 4

John warns us today: we are surrounded by false witnesses, who could lead us astray. But the central truth of Jesus Christ - the man who is God - is our safeguard. He lives in us, and anyone who listens to us also belongs to God. This is because the One living in us is greater than all the false prophets in the world around us.

The life we enjoy as children of God, with Jesus living in us by His Spirit, is exemplified by light and love. God IS love. It is not merely a characteristic He displays from time to time - it is His very nature. Agape love is unique in scripture: love that depends on the nature of the lover, rather than on the lovableness of the beloved. Love and light are equivalent - love shines and light lives. Similar to the analogous natures of sound and water, sunshine and heat.

To live loved is to shine with the likeness of Jesus. All these things are the very ground of God’s being, not just reflections of HIs presence. That is why the commandment is to love God AND to demonstrate that love to others.

Have a great day!



Day 236, 1 John 5


Day 234, 1 John 3