Day 228, 2 Timothy 2
Paul continues his farewell letter to Timothy with a variety of analogies for our relationship with God. We are soldiers fighting with a discipline which distinguishes us from those around us. We are athletes who train to be the best we can. We are farmers, sowing our lives and expecting a harvest from this sacrifice.
Whatever the parallel, we are to live our lives firmly focused on Jesus (and thus avoiding distracting and divisive teachings). This may bring persecution and suffering, but this is welcome if it is for that reason. Hymenaeus and Philetus have not been living this way. Instead, their false teaching has become like gangrene - a threat to the health of the whole body which must be cut out. They were teaching that the resurrection of the dead was already past - so there was nothing to look forward to through the suffering of persecution. This was wrong.
By stark contrast, Timothy is to hold fast to the truth he has been taught, not seeing his ministry as lesser than others’ but accepting God’s call and anointing.
Foolish arguments and disputes are to be avoided. “Whatever builds up your faith and deepens your love must become your holy pursuit. And live in peace with all those who worship our Lord Jesus with pure hearts.”
What has distracted you from the glorious truth the Jesus is alive and you are His child?
Have a great day!