Day 218, Hebrews 5

Hebrews 5

Our previous chapter ended with the exhortation to draw near to find mercy and grace. It is an understandable response to say “how?”

The answer to that question is “follow the example of your king-priest (Melchizedek was this king-priest, and so was Jesus).

There are several key truths embedded in this example.

The High Priest was chosen by God, not by his own qualifications. We too are chosen apart from performance or capability.

Jesus and Melchizedek are supernatural High Priest Kings, whose position is through calling, not right. We too have been called by God - He wants us in this place of relationship, even though it is not our right.

Melchizedek means King of Righteousness, and Jesus is also King of Righteousness. By His gift of grace, we are now members of the order of Melchizedek - righteousness rulers with Jesus.

All these truths run counter to human wisdom, but the final section of this chapter places human wisdom in its rightful place: it is immature and unprepared for battle (see footnote on verse 12), lacking the revelation of righteousness. True maturity comes through spiritual perception and experience imparting an understanding of what is excellent.

Have a great day!



Day 219, Hebrews 6


Day 217, Hebrews 4