Day 47, Luke 9:18-27
We revisit Luke 9 this week to dig more deeply into Luke’s account of the declaration “You are the Messiah” and the teaching Jesus gave His disciples following that.
Since the reading is shorter today, I recommend you read it several times slowly to meditate on the example Jesus is calling us to follow. Losing your life for the sake of surrender is exactly what Jesus is doing. We have the privilege of doing the same, and will see the fullness of the power of God’s Kingdom as a result.
Just as we saw with the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod yesterday, the alternative is deadly. You might gain everything the world offers, yet lose your soul!
So don’t be ashamed of being a follower of Jesus: you are on the most powerful path in life and the destination is only accessible to those who are willing to lose it all.
Have a great day!