September 7
September 7
Jesus' First Disciples -- John the Baptist points people to Jesus the Lamb of God.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: John 1:15-51
Reading 2: Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Reading 3: 1 Peter 1:18-19
There is power in testimony. Today we see the power of John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus: it points people to the Messiah, and challenges the religious system. Then Jesus’ first disciples tell their testimony of encountering the Messiah, and their friends are drawn to Him too.
Moses promised a voice like John’s, centuries before. The reason was that the people did not want to hear directly from God. In this they resembled the religious leaders at the time of Jesus.
Today, we have the privilege of a relationship with Jesus, the Lamb of God; how does that impact our testimony to those around us?
Have a great day!