September 4
September 4
Jesus' Childhood -- The Wise Men visit, Jesus is taken to Egypt, & Jesus at 12 years old.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Matthew 2
Reading 2: Micah 5:2-5
Reading 3: Luke 2:41-52
At the time of Jesus' birth, there was a great deal of supernatural activity, as we saw yesterday. Often this supernatural activity is only partially understood by mankind. Today we read of the visit of the wise men, drawn from their country by a supernatural event that they understood (a rare star) to a place they did not fully understand. They go to the puppet king of the region (Herod) seeking the true king, thus setting off a chain of events that come from the dark side of human nature. But during the whole episode, the wise men both worship Jesus and hear God's voice for themselves. Then they leave secretly for their own safety, as do Joseph, Mary and Jesus.
Throughout the terrible events that follow: exile to a foreign land, genocide, and upheaval in the government, God's plans are secure and moving forward, fulfilling prophecy at every turn and making it impossible for these events to be dismissed as coincidence. Clearly God wants us to see His determination to win the battle for humanity that began with Adam and Eve's sin.
And likewise, Jesus is drawn to His Father's house (the rebuilt temple) in Jerusalem, where His wisdom and understanding surpass the limited knowledge of the scholars. Clearly this battle is going to be won by relationship, not religious observance. But more of that in future readings.
Have a great day!