September 27

September 27

Jesus' Sending of the 12 -- Jesus prepares the 12 for conflict & sends them out.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Matthew 10

Reading 2: Micah 7:5-7

Reading 3: Mark 6:7-13

Our last reading ended with Jesus' instruction to pray that God will send workers into the harvest. No doubt the disciples were happy to pray that, because they saw all that Jesus was doing, and wanted to see more.

However, it is unlikely that they expected to be the answer to their own prayers! Right away Jesus teaches His followers what battles they will face as they become workers in the harvest, and He sends them out!

Notice first that they are sent out two-by-two. Six ministry teams to multiply the works of Jesus. And they are true to their Master's mission: they tell people to turn away from self-centered sin and turn to God, and then they show the power of God by meeting the needs of the time (mostly healing and deliverance).

I wonder how much more powerful the gospel message would be today if there were more need for supernatural power to be demonstrated? God has not changed, but our world and its belief system have. The ways we show God's power may be different today, but they are nonetheless essential.

God is sending you. To whom will you go, and what will you say and do?

Have a great day!



September 28


September 26