September 14
September 14
Jesus' Ministry at Capernaum -- John the Baptist is jailed & Jesus heals people.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Matthew 4:12-17
Reading 2: Isaiah 9:1-2
Reading 3: Luke 4:31-44
Jesus quickly became famous, popular, and powerful. Or so it seems from these readings. However, remember the 30 years of preparation we read about two weeks ago. This was no sudden outbreak of miraculous favor; rather it was the fruit of the choices and priorities which Jesus had cultivated since childhood.
He also had a very clear sense of His calling and commission - notice how He resists calls to do what the crowds ask, instead choosing to obey God and fulfill His calling despite the cost to his popularity.
The climate was clearly not all in Jesus' favor either - His cousin John has recently been jailed and the rulers are getting nervous about the popularity of these rabbis!
Through it all, the lesson for us is to be authentic in our discipleship - to follow Jesus and do God's will. When we do, God will handle the rest, and He will get the glory.
Have a great day!