October 31

October 31

Jesus' Ministry Before His Betrayal -- The widow's mite, End Times Prophecy, & giving.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Mark 12:38-44

Reading 2: Luke 21

Reading 3: 2 Corinthians 8:1-12

Part of our reading today continues yesterday's theme - the contrast between religious pride (which is offensive to God) and true faith (which is attractive to Him).

And in the midst of the contrast between the poor widow and the powerful, prideful religious leaders, Jesus talks of the troubles which are to come before He returns.

His prayer is that we be strong enough to endure and meet Him face-to-face.

In light of the teaching about the widow, I don't think the strength we need to endure is found in money, power, position, or recognition!

Have a great day!



November 1


October 30