October 18
October 18
Jesus' Teachings at a Sabbath Meal: The Parable of the Supper, pride, & humility.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Luke 14
Reading 2: Proverbs 11:2
Reading 3: Proverbs 25:6-7
God measures in different ways than we do!
Today's readings show that God doesn't value climbing the social ladder, or gathering a group of like-minded friends to be our inner circle. Instead God values being humble, and loving as He loves - even the lost and the least. Helping the hurting is always permissible, even if it offends religious traditions. We will be amazed when we see the full extent of God's love, the guest list for His heavenly banquet. Disciples pay a price in this world's eyes, but the reward is well worth it!
Have a great day!