October 16

October 16

Jesus' Stories about Money -- Dividing the inheritance & people's stress about money.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Luke 12

Reading 2: 1 Timothy 6:5-19

Reading 3: Philippians 4:10-19

Following Jesus should be simple, but often the cares and distractions of this world complicate our discipleship. Today Jesus teaches us that this is unnecessary. It is interesting how much Jesus has to say about money; unlike the unpopular televangelists who used people to make money, Jesus intends to use money (or at least teaching about it) to help people!

There are many powerful truths in today's main reading. I recommend you read the chapter slowly a couple of times and take special note of any statements that rub you the wrong way or stand out to you. Those are likely the areas where God is speaking to you through His Word!

God's purpose in speaking to you and me is to help us be the kind of people Paul wants Timothy to be - kind, generous, trusting God, and so on! And when we trust God to supply all we need, and generously share what He gives us with others, especially those who pour themselves out for our benefit, we find our priorities changing to be more godly, just as Paul commanded the Philippians.

Have a great day!



October 17


October 15