November 9
November 9
Jesus' Crucifixion -- Jesus carries the cross, is crucified, & Jesus' call to carry your cross.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Matthew 27:31-44
Reading 2: Acts 2:22-23
Reading 3: Luke 14:25-33
Today we reach the peak of God's One Story.
God sent His Son Jesus to be born as a baby, live as the first sinless human being, and die for the sins of all mankind.
As you read Matthew 27:31-44, see the interwoven threads of sin and rejection that led to this moment. Recognize the betrayal Peter refers to in Acts 2. See also the strength and determination of Jesus to complete the assignment given to Him by His Father. This looks like a final defeat, but in "God's prearranged plan" it will be the beginning of final victory!
Then consider Jesus' own instruction to us (and all His followers) - if you want to follow such a Savior (and who wouldn't?) it will cost you everything. You may get to keep relationships, and even possessions, but they will not be yours anymore! Giving up all we have reflects the sacrifice of Jesus for us. Sometimes it takes that level of letting go of things to be able to accept and receive what He is giving us.
Have a great day!