November 6
November 6
Jesus' Arrest -- Jesus' garden prayer, knocking the mob down, healing an ear, & arrest.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Matthew 26:30-56
Reading 2: Luke 22:39-53
Reading 3: John 18:1-11
As we reach the high point of God's One Story, it is worth noting that there is always more going on than meets the eye. We live in a physical, natural world, with human authorities and power structures, but we are more than just physical beings. When God created Adam He breathed into him and he became a living soul - a blend of spiritual and physical.
Just as we are body, soul, and spirit, and God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so this world has a spiritual dimension that is seldom visible. As you read the familiar accounts of the arrest of Jesus, watch out for glimpses into the unseen realm. There is a battle going on through the readings of the next few days, and it is important that we discern it and learn the outcome.
Have a great day!