May 8

May 8

David & Goliath -- David, the shepherd vs. the giant Goliath (who has four relatives).

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: 1 Samuel 17

Reading 2: Psalm 23

Reading 3: 2 Samuel 21:15-22

The Lord is mighty and powerful, and today we see how His power is best displayed - through unexpected and humble circumstances. Saul, the proud king, is facing the Philistines and their ungodly champion, Goliath. They have reached the limit of their own strength and courage, which leaves them to listen daily to the taunts of the pagan giant. Saul has no idea what to do other than to bribe someone to do his work for him - with the offer of a royal bride and freedom from taxation. Ironically God had told Israel that this would be the price of a king - taxes that would drain their resources!

Then along comes David - and after a typical older brother/younger brother exchange with Eliab, he goes to the king and offers to kill the giant. How does such a young boy have such courage? His history of obscurity has trained him to trust God in difficult circumstances, and this latest challenge is not a difficulty to him! He has already been anointed King, but he does not come with an account of God's impartation to qualify him to take charge; instead, he comes with humility and servanthood to solve the king's problem without expectation of recognition or reward.

We know the result of the fight from our children's Bible stories - David kills Goliath and becomes Israel's hero. Later, as king, David and his army will kill Goliath's brothers, and he will write the most famous Psalm describing how trusting God leads to rest, protection, provision, and victory.

That can be our experience if we choose to learn and grow in obscurity until God provides us with the opportunity to serve and then allow God to promote us in the way He chooses.

Have a great day!



May 9


May 7