May 26

May 26

David & the Temple -- David prepares for the temple after God forbids him to build it.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: 2 Samuel 7

Reading 2: 1 Chronicles 22

Reading 3: 1 Chronicles 29:1-9

Yesterday we saw David's wise reaction to his mistakes and their consequences. Today we read about his ambition to build the Temple for God but see how he reacts when God says "no."

Many of us, if circumstance prevented us from doing something we had set our heart to do, would pout if we were told we could not do it. But David is different - instead of reacting, he makes provision for his vision!

He also shares the vision widely, encouraging support from all the leaders of Israel, and he spends time in worship and thanksgiving before God too!

What a great example for us today! What is the equivalent in your life, and how will you respond?

Have a great day!



May 27


May 25