May 2

May 2

Saul Anointed as King -- King Saul & God's Laws for a King.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: 1 Samuel 9

Reading 2: 1 Samuel 10

Reading 3: Deuteronomy 17:14-20

Today we see God's power clearly, in the choosing and anointing of Saul as king. Multiple supernatural insights are given to Samuel first to show Saul that God is in charge of his appointment and correctly show him confirmations of his calling.

Then Saul himself experiences God's enabling presence, prophesying with the prophets. After that, you would expect him to follow God wholeheartedly!

God had already given instructions that the king was to copy out the Law of God for himself and read it constantly. This instruction would keep the king focused on God's plans and God's will. But this does not happen, and we shall see that the consequences are every bit as painful as when Eli and his sons turned away from God.

We don't need to make the same mistake - we have God's Word in the Bible, and we can each grow closer to God as we read each day. Who can you encourage today with an account of what God has done in your life since you started reading the Bible with us regularly? Speak up today and tell them the benefits of reading God's Word! Invite them to read with us. If you have received this by email from a friend or on Facebook, you can sign up to receive the email yourself.

Have a great day!



May 3


May 1