May 14
May 14
David in the Cave -- David runs to a cave, prays to God, & writes psalms.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: 1 Samuel 22:1
Reading 2: Psalm 142
Reading 3: Psalm 57
Has anything ever not gone your way? Perhaps you had a plan or a vision, and it was cut short? Maybe life suddenly fell apart unexpectedly, and even your best efforts could not restore it.
Those life disasters are the tests of our faith; the marriage that fails, the loved one who dies, the job that ends, the friendship that goes bad, the financial disaster, the medical diagnosis.
David has reached the lowest point - he is not even safe among the king's enemies and is forced to hide to save his own life. Yet his example is inspiring to us. None of us has faced the opposition he faced, but he is praising God and crying out honestly to Him in the midst of it all. No religious pretense here. No high-sounding words hiding a broken heart. Instead, David is brutally honest with God and himself. And perhaps as a result of such honesty, he also declares the truth of God's love and the hope His promises bring into every situation, no matter how dire.
We can learn from David and turn to God in honesty whenever we face trouble. God's truth does not change, His presence is assured, and His answers will always overcome our trials in the end.
Have a great day!