May 10
May 10
Saul Attacks David -- Saul's anger with David & David's escape from Saul.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: 1 Samuel 19
Reading 2: Psalm 59
Reading 3: Psalm 56:3-6
After displaying insecurity and fear in our last reading, Saul goes on today to seek to eliminate David. But David still stands firm in his trust in God, submission to Saul's position, and love for Saul's children (Jonathan and Michal). That love is reciprocated by Jonathan (who intercedes for David with his father) and Michal (who helps David escape when he is trapped).
Finally, when he has no options left, David goes to Samuel, where groups of Saul's soldiers pursue him. None of them is a match for the power of God, and nor is Saul when he finally goes to Ramah himself to find David. He ends up in the shameful place of lying naked on the ground prophesying!
The power of God is enough to stop any anti-God human, no matter how powerful. David understood that it is God's prerogative to choose when and how to unleash His power in that way. If God has not taken the ungodly opposition out of your life yet, it is because there is a purpose in the struggle!
Have a great day!