June 21
Today's Readings:Reading 1: 1Kings 16:29-34Reading 2: 1 Kings 17Reading 3: James 5:16-18King Ahab was the most wicked king Israel ever had, and that is a dubious honor among so many godless kings! During the 22 years of his reign, God raised Elijah to stand against the ungodliness and show that God is still King even if earthly kings turn away from Him, causing evil to grow.Throughout today's reading, we see how Elijah listened to God and had the courage to do what God commanded. God's power is demonstrated in the process, evil is resisted, and ordinary people see what God can do. It was not easy because evil influences all of our lives through sin, but obedience to God has the power to overcome evil, even before Jesus deals evil a final blow on the cross.Now we live in the time when Jesus has opened the way for all of us to confess our sin, receive forgiveness, and see our prayers answered. Thank God for this grace, especially in light of so many evil things taking place in our society. Now is the time to pray - not revenge prayers or judgment prayers, but repentance prayers that release healing, forgiveness, and the power of God's love.Have a great day!Mark.