June 2

June 2

David & the Psalms -- David, the sweet psalmist of Israel, writes Psalm 18.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: 2 Samuel 22

Reading 2: 2 Samuel 23:1-7

Reading 3: Psalm 18

We are reaching the end of David's life, and chapter 22 includes the whole of Psalm 18 (or, if you prefer, chapter 22 is taken into the Psalms as Psalm 18). This Psalm or song records David's achievements and priorities, along with God's interventions and promises.

It is worth reflecting on this remarkable king - a man after God's own heart - who was used by God in so many ways yet was imperfect and failed (sometimes spectacularly). We should not expect our leaders to be above error, nor set ourselves the goal of being infallible. Instead, we rely on God to give us victory when we do not deserve it, to rescue and preserve us when we fail, and to lead us in His paths (and thus away from our own).

Then we, like David in 2 Samuel 23:1-7, can praise God for choosing us and lavishing love on us through Jesus. It truly is the only thing that makes life rather than death!

Have a great day!



June 3


June 1