June 14

June 14

Solomon & his Wives -- Solomon's wives turn Solomon's heart away from God.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: 1Kings 11:1-40

Reading 2: Deuteronomy 17:14-20

Reading 3: Nehemiah 13:25-31

Solomon's magnificent reign comes to a sad end with his disobedience to God leading him into great sin. God had commanded the king to avoid marrying many wives, as well as to take care not to pile up wealth for himself. Solomon appears to have disregarded both these instructions, and he pays a heavy price. God takes the throne away from Solomon's family, just as He had warned.

Later, Solomon's example was taken up by Nehemiah in calling for purity among the Israelites resettling the land they had lost through sin. We can't ignore sin - it will always be our downfall. The only solution is death. Thankfully this is the very solution Jesus chose for us!

So when (not if) our hearts turn away from God, the solution is to repent for our sin and trust Jesus to forgive us, restore us, and lead us in God's ways again.

Have a great day!



June 15


June 13