January 24
January 24
Abraham & Circumcision -- The sign of circumcision vs. spiritual circumcision.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Genesis 17
Reading 2: Romans 4:7-13
Reading 3: Colossians 2:11-13
Today Abram and Sarai are given new names by God, indicating their change of covenantal relationship with Him. Both names have a breathy "h" syllable added: Abram to AbrAHam, Sarai to SarAH. This syllable sounds like God's name, YAHweh, and indicates God's nature being incorporated into their natures.
And as a sign of this covenantal relationship, Abraham and every male from then on is to be circumcised. This is not the means of entering the covenant but the external sign of an internal change. It is similar to the sacrament of water baptism in the Church - it does not impute salvation, but it is a sign that salvation has been received. Paul explains to the Romans and the Colossians the spiritual significance of circumcision and the relationship between faith and salvation.
Today, you can celebrate that you are saved by faith and that any external signs of that transformation are simply that... ...signs. Have you been baptized as a believer? Why not ask to be baptized if you have not?
Have a great day!