January 20

January 20.

Abraham & Melchizedek -- Abraham tithes 10% to Melchizedek & Christ's priesthood.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Genesis 14

Reading 2: Hebrews 5:5-11

Reading 3: Hebrews 7:1-22

Today we see some important principles. One might say they are foundational for a life lived for God since Abraham exemplifies them.

First - it is God who gives us victory, even when circumstances are grim.

Second - righteousness invites God's intervention while sin leaves us open to attack.

Third - there is One greater than us, and we owe Him our devotion.

Fourth - God does not want legalistic compliance to the letter of the law; He prefers heart-level embrace of deeper spiritual principles.

Melchizedek is a type of Jesus, and Abraham is the father of those who have faith. So we would do well to emulate Abraham's motives and actions. It's more about love than money, but Jesus tells us that we can diagnose our hearts by looking at our wallets.

Have a great day!



January 21


January 19