January 15

January 15

Job & God -- Job's suffering & God's compassionate mercy.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Job 38

Reading 2: Job 42

Reading 3: James 5:9-11

After Elihu concludes his speech, reminding Job of God's great power, God joins in. Chapter 38 is full of examples of how incapable man is to explain so much of the universe. We are tiny compared to the God who created everything, yet that God "is full of tenderness and mercy," as James reminds us.

Job knows this, too, as we can see from the tone and content of his reply to God in chapter 42. I love Job's conclusion: "I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." All that suffering was rendered valuable to reach the destination Job has found - to rest in God's justice and love whatever befalls him.

And from that place of surrender, God blesses Job and restores him. God also restores the three friends who had so woefully misrepresented God. It is not God's desire that anyone remain under condemnation or judgment. Repentance (expressed here in a sacrifice) is all that is needed for relationship with God to be restored.

Who do you know who needs to hear how Job's story reveals God's heart? Why not reach out to them today with encouragement and hope? (and remember not to misrepresent God in the process!).

Have a great day!



January 16


January 14