January 10
January 10
Noah & the Flood -- God's judgment of sin & Jesus' second coming
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Genesis 8
Reading 2: Genesis 9
Reading 3: Matthew 24:36-44
After the flood, we see a fresh start, with God giving very similar instructions to Noah and his family as to Adam and Eve, generations earlier. The covenant is just as one-sided as before: God will bless, protect, provide, and grant long life. There is no requirement on humanity other than to continue a relationship with God to enjoy these benefits. This is a foreshadowing of God's greater grace to come, both in the Exodus and in the incarnation.
But sin is still in the picture, and Ham (and by implication his son Canaan) still carries an ungodly character flaw: disrespect and a desire to uncover Noah's failings. Shem (father of the Semitic peoples, including Israel and the Jews) and Japheth differ in showing respect and covering their father's failings. Our heart attitudes matter greatly to God because God looks on the heart.
Also, our third reading warns of the danger of taking our relationship with God for granted. Only those whose relationship with God was current and active escaped the cleansing of sin in the flood. And our trust in God will be sufficient to carry us through whatever is ahead as the world again veers in ungodly directions. One thing is certain: Jesus will return to complete His victory and re-creation of perfection, as it was before the fall, and we can be ready for that day by enjoying our relationship with God, day-by-day, and hour-by-hour. Why not pause now and thank Him for giving you eternal life?
Have a great day!