August 15

August 15

Esther -- Esther's banquets, Mordecai's honoring, & Haman's death.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Esther 5

Reading 2: Esther 6

Reading 3: Esther 7

God is a God of repentance and restoration. He is also a God of judgment and retribution. These two are not opposites as you might suppose. Instead they involve reversal rooted in love and justice. Because most of all, God is a God of love and that leads to justice in application.

So today we read of Haman's pride and supposed success, but also of his bitterness at the way Mordecai refuses to bow down to him. Mordecai's heart is already bowed to God, and to the authority God has instituted in this ungodly kingdom - the king. So Mordecai cannot share his submission with another, especially one who is so adamantly opposed to God that he intends to wipe out all God's chosen people.

But the story unfolds, with Mordecai and Esther patiently allowing God to work rather than overstepping their place. And God brings justice, along with shame, pain, and death, to His enemy.

The same will happen on a universal scale before long. The victorious reversal Jesus inflicted on satan will result in the ultimate erasing of evil. We are patiently waiting for God to complete it, just as Esther and Mordecai trusted God to deliver them and their people.

Choose whose side you are on today - and choose wisely!

Have a great day!



August 16


August 14