April 23
April 23
Ruth Meets Boaz -- Caring for the poor & allowing the poor to collect food after harvest.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Ruth 2
Reading 2: Deuteronomy 15:7-11
Reading 3: Deuteronomy 24:17-22
Part of God's instruction for His people was the principle that a close relative could be the redeemer of a person who had lost everything and become an indentured servant (or slave). The relative could pay to release the person from slavery. It is a picture of what Jesus will do on the Cross.
And today's account of Ruth's favor with Boaz is not just a story of a kinsman redeemer but also a story of love prompted by faithfulness and loyalty. Boaz has heard of Ruth's commitment to Naomi - "where you go I will go..." and he is impressed with her godly reputation.
He is a godly man himself, following God's instructions to care for the poor and the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan. Godliness attracts godliness - there's a word of wisdom for relationships!
And through Boaz's generosity, God provides for Ruth and Naomi. They have come through their hardship and into a place of blessing. The same can be true for each of us as we are loyal to those around us and serve our kinsman-redeemer, Jesus!
Celebrate loyalty in your circle and in each one's life; share stories of past loyalty and affirm current loyalties, then pray for God's blessing to increase for the sake of those around you.
Have a great day!