December 28
December 28
Revelation & the Final Consequences -- Some will experience the second, eternal death
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Revelation 20:14-15
Reading 2: Luke 16:19-31
Reading 3: Isaiah 66:22-24
Before we reach the final celebration, we see the final clean-up. Death is thrown into the lake of fire, along with all those who were not found in the Book of Life (those who were consumed by fire in the final battle).
Traditionally hell has been characterized as a place where people are tormented eternally, but that would be a misreading of today's scriptures. The eternal nature of the lake of fire is experienced by satan, the beast and the false prophet, but these verses do not say humans are tormented forever.
For sure there is an eternal consequence to our choice to follow Jesus, but we share the good news that through Him we can have eternal life, rather than threaten people with eternal punishment to get them to follow Him! Following Jesus only because we are afraid of the alternative would be hell not heaven!
Have a great day!