December 15

December 15

Paul -- Journey #4 (Jerusalem, Caesarea) -- Sadducees, Pharisees, & Paul's trial before Felix.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Acts 23

Reading 2: Acts 24

Reading 3: Philippians 1:27-30

Yesterday we read how Paul encountered violent opposition comparable to the violence he himself used against the church before his conversion. Religion is invariably violent when challenged because it is rooted in human effort. We see this today in Islamic extremism as well as in some "Christian" cults and sects.

Today we read more about the judicial process Paul goes through as a consequence of that opposition. He is passed from one official to another, yet maintains an attitude of faith and trust as he uses the opportunities to evangelize and declare the truth about Jesus.

Paul tells the Philippians that we are citizens of heaven, not victims of this world's corrupt systems. So we can live lives of obedient faith in the midst of opposition and persecution. What does that look like for you?

Have a great day!



December 16


December 14