November 22

November 22

Peter -- The first deacons -- The deacons' ministry frees up elders to focus on the Word.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Acts 6

Reading 2: 1 Timothy 5:17-18

Reading 3: 1 Timothy 3:8-13

Disagreements are nothing new in the Church! Here we see a disagreement solved in a way that teaches us to look for and treasure our unique gifts and destiny.

The deacons (although that term is not used here) were different from the elders because they had different gifts; they were not lesser than the elders, nor were they better than the ordinary believers, but they had a calling from God that was unique. And they fulfilled that calling filled with the Holy Spirit.

Before long, one of the first deacons becomes a martyr, and we will read more of Stephen's story tomorrow.

For now, consider what your gifts are, and ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit to fulfill your distinct role in the body. Don't fall for comparison leading to pride or discouragement!

Have a great day!



November 23


November 21