April 17

April 17

Judge Gideon -- God reduces Gideon's army to ensure God gets all the credit.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Judges 6

Reading 2: Judges 7

Reading 3: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

The Book of Judges is a series of cycles of disobedience, oppression, despair, crying out to God, and miraculous restoration. Again and again, God reminds His people of their past, and His interventions on their behalf, yet they consistently fail to follow Him.

Today we see God's angel going to a most unlikely hero - Gideon - who is the least member of the smallest family in the weakest clan in Israel. This shows us that God's measurement is different from ours - we judge by worldly standards and select those best qualified for success or those with the most power. God has no need of such assistance because He has ALL power and is glorified more when He works through people who don't qualify!

And that is just what happens - the vast Midianite army, augmented by the Amalekites and the peoples of the East, is defeated by 300 men with trumpets and torches! God is well able to cause our enemies to slaughter themselves in panic without us overpowering them!

Paul tells us that the church is full of nobodies who have become somebody because God has chosen us. You are somebody in God today. Don't brag about it, but humbly watch for what God wants you to do as He overcomes your enemies!

Have a great day!



April 18


April 16